Sławomir Cynk

Institute of Mathematics Jagiellonian University

Łojasiewicza 6, 30-348 Kraków, Poland

phone: +48-126647634; fax: +48-126646674

e-mail: slawomir.cynk@uj.edu.pl

My mathematical presentations

Here are pdf and TeX-files containning some (powerpoint type) prersentation, which I prepare. They all are prepared with pdflatex (I didnot correct them after talk, so they contains errors, misstakes etc.).

My habilitation talks (in polish)

In Poland there exists a degree higher then PhD called habilitacja. For the examination a candidate has to prepare a presentation of his thesis and three talks on subject not directly connected with the thesis.

Presentation: PDF File, TeX File

Pell equation: PDF File, TeX File

Euler characteristic: PDF File, TeX File

Poncelet Theorem: PDF File, TeX File

Conference talks

Effective methods in algebraic and analytic geometry III, September 8th-12th, 2003 Brenna (Poland)
Modularity of rigid Calabi-Yau manifolds PDF FileTeX File

First  Joint Meeting AMS-PTM, Warszawa,August 1st, 2007
Modularity Conjecture for Calbi-Yau Manifolds
PDF File, TeX File



Popular talks for secondary school students (in Polish)

Równania wielomianowe
PDF File, TeX File

PDF File, TeX File

Kwadratura koła, trysekcja kąta, podwojenie sześcianu..
PDF File, TeX File

PDF File, TeX File